Terms of Use
Prohibited Items
Alcohol | Animals or wildlife/wildlife products | Catalytic converters and test pipes | Cell phone or wireless service contracts | Used clothing |
Contracts | Cosmetics | Counterfeit currency and stamps | Credit cards | Drugs and drug paraphernalia |
Electronics equipment regarding the violation of any laws- i.e. TV descramblers, radar detectors, traffic signal control devices, ect. | Embargoed goods and prohibited countries | Event tickets* | Firearms, weapons and knives. | Food and healthcare items |
Gift cards | Government documents, ID’s and licenses | Government , transit, and shipping related items- i.e. Government operations manuals, government uniforms, USPS items, ect. | Hazardous, restricted or regulated materials- i.e. batteries, fireworks, refrigerants, ect. | Human remains/body parts. |
Importation of goods into the US- i.e. CD’s/DVD’s intended only for distribution in a certain country. | International trading. | Items that encourage illegal activity. | Lock picking devices. | Lottery tickets. |
Mailing lists and personal information. | Manufacturer’s coupons | Medical drugs, devices and healthcare. | Military items. | Multi-level marketing, pyramid and matrix programs. |
Offensive material- i.e. ethnically or racially offensive material, Nazi memorabilia, ect. | Pesticides | Plants and seeds | Police related items | Postage meters |
Prescription drugs | Stamps- Collectibles excluded | Stocks and other securities | Stolen property | Surveillance equipment* |
Tobacco | Weeds | Pornographic material |
*Items in these categories may be restricted by law and must be the responsibility of buyer/seller to determine any applicable laws and regulations that govern such.